Chamber 08
Inbounds (+ NoSLA)permalink
Beginner - Portal Peekpermalink
The easiest route. If the portal peek is too difficult, you can also jump to the platform.
Advanced - ABH Over Goopermalink
A difficult but very fast strat. There are also alternative setups:
Out of Boundspermalink
Advanced - OoB Over Goopermalink
If you did 06 in front of elevator and you want to do Over Goo, you'll need to use a different setup for it, as seen in the 06 In Front Video.
Beginner - Portal Peekpermalink
The Glitchless strat is the same as the basic Inbounds one just with bunnyhopping as movement instead of ABH's.
If the portal peek is too difficult, you can also jump to the platform.
Chamber 06/07
Chamber 09